Is My Period Normal?


Written by: Ashlee Day - Clinical Nutritionist and Founder of Woven Wellness

menstrual cup

First things first, before I begin I would like to start by saying two very important points:

Every women is beautifully unique, so what is “normal” for one women is different for the other Your period, menstrual cycle, menses, time of the month, womanhood, or what ever you want to call it, should NOT be something to fear, it should be something to be celebrated!

So what is a healthy menstrual cycle…

Was this just my experience in life… or were we ALL not properly taught the ins and outs about our menstrual cycle? This should be knowledge that we learn from a very young age, but instead we’re constantly looking for answers from blog posts, research papers, books ect. It is just craziness.

Now that the rant is over, I hope that you find the following a useful guide to understand your cycle and track whether something else might be going on.

Please note: this is a menstrual cycle WITHOUT the use of hormonal contraceptive measures.

A healthy menstrual cycle is different for every woman and can last anywhere between 21 and 35 days. This timing is determined by three important occurrences in your ovaries, corresponding with different emotions.

The First Phase: (Days 1-7): Menstrual Phase  

Oestrogen and progesterone drop, causing the shedding of the endometrium, resulting in your period bleed for 1-7 days.

Healthy symptoms during this phase:

- Changes in bowel habits.

- Changing pad/tampon every 3-4 hours. A healthy red colour, no scanty, dark bleeding, menses.

- Mostly liquid, with no large clots (max 5mm).

- Pain should be limited to a dull ache in lower abdomen or pelvis, often described as a ‘dragging’ sensation. If it is present at all, it should occur at the start of your period and shouldn’t require any painkillers. It should only last 1-2 days.

The Second Phase: (Days 6-10): Follicular Phase

The pituitary gland in the brain releases follicular stimulating hormone (FSH), which stimulates the growth of the follicle in your ovaries to get an egg ready for ovulation. Oestrogen begins to rise around day 8, causing your lady parts to plumb up. If you find that days 9-10 you cannot keep your hands off your partner, that's because testosterone is rising at this time, elevating your libido 5 days before you ovulate.

Healthy symptoms during this phase:

- A heightened sense of smell, time for some yummy baking.

- Clearer thinking and better coordination.

- Increased sex drive!

- Creative energy - which is a great time to channel that inner creative to work on that project you’ve been putting off.

Fertile Window= approximately 6 days   

The Third Phase: (Days 12-16): Ovulatory Phase   

Days, 12-14 trigger the release of luteinising hormone (LH), which marks the beginning of the ovulatory phase and stimulates your ovaries to release an egg. The egg then travels down the fallopian tube and either implants in the endometrium, or if there is no sperm dissolves and leaves the body.

Healthy Symptoms During this Phase:

- Increased sex drive! You may feel like you cannot keep your hands off your partner or yourself during this time.

- Notice more cervical mucus (see bottom of the page for healthy cervical mucus signs)

- Increased energy, making it the perfect time for high intensive exercise or weight lifting to channel that energy.

The Fourth Phase: (Days 19-28): Luteal Phase

The ruptured follicle, now called the corpus luteum releases progesterone and oestrogen to prepare your body for pregnancy. If the egg does not meet the sperm then the cycle happens all over again!

Healthy Symptoms During this Phase:

- Increased irritability/ stress

- Less energy, which is so beautiful as it is a gentle reminder that we must slow down, come out of our masculine energy and into our feminine energy.

- The perfect time to rest and reflect. Journalling and slow movements are great during this time.

In The Meantime: Tips For Tracking Your Cycle

Tracking your cycle each month is a great way to gain insight into what is happening within your body each month. What happens throughout the month can be a major indication of our overall health.


Fertility Awareness Method:

This method uses basal body temperature and cervical mucus to determine when we are fertile throughout the month. If you are interested in learning more about this topic, I suggest purchasing the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler.

  1. Taking your core body temperature first thing upon rising can detect when you ovulate. When progesterone rises mid cycle your core body temperature will rise by just 0.3 degrees celsius.

  2. To take your core body temperature upon rising you will need a digital thermometer, placing it under your tongue before you do anything - that includes cuddling your partner or kids. Ensure that your thermometer records your temperature to the 0.1 degree.

  3. Cervical mucus can be observed leading up to ovulation as a warning sign that you ARE fertile! There are three different types of cervical mucus and are all normal:

    Sticky: between your two fingers it may feel somewhat “stringy” and “rubbery” and the main characteristic is that it is wet.

    Creamy: This cervical mucus is not as stretchy, you may notice a creamy “lotion- like” discharge on the toilet paper after you wipe or on your undies.

    Egg white: This cervical mucus is the most fertile type and resembles “raw egg whites”. It also may be particularly stretchy when you stretch it, it often won’t break.

So if you are seeking some support you to get your menstrual cycle back, more regular, less painful, support coming off the OCP or seeking non hormonal contraception support I would love to help you. Click here to book in for a Nutritional Medicine consultation with me today.

Laura Saunders